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   About Me

Melaney Wolf

Melaney Wolf is an E-RYT 200-hr yoga instructor,

Master Mindfulness Practitioner, Certified Meditation

Teacher, & Reiki practitioner in NYC. As a Mindfulness-

based yoga & meditation instructor and creator of

Integrated Yoga Healing, Melaney provides clients with tools for

self-healing, stress-reduction, clarity and shift of mindset,

a healthy body, and the ability to enhance their lives all on

their own using breathwork, meditation, mindfulness,

journaling, movement, and support along the way.

"I created this practice out of my own experience using yoga, meditation, a regular mindfulness practice, & journaling to work through anxiety, depression, low self-worth, the thoughts you can not turn off ever, inability to sleep, the aftermath of emotional abuse,...except I did it in bits and pieces over several years and had to utilize each piece as I uncovered them. It worked, but using them all together with some guidance along the way can help make the process a much smoother experience. Healing is hard, but it doesn’t have to be done alone or with the use of drugs that only treat the symptom and not the underlying problem. 


We all have something; I wasn’t abused, didn’t come from a broken home, had two loving parents, a sibling close in age, and pets...and I still got screwed up. And it’s ok. It’s all of us; none of us are alone in that, but it doesn’t have to stay that way and the other side of healing is amazing


I believe deeply in everyone's full ability to transform their own mind and body.  We all have the ability to unearth our childhood conditioning, heal our personal traumas, recognize & truly feel our self-worth, & become the best version of ourselves.  We can BE better, not just feel better; sometimes it just takes the right guidance.  Life doesn't have to feel hard or stressful-that's all a state of mind that we can start to control as soon as we learn how to heal and change."







 NYC | 2020
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